CrownCoat is a flexible waterproof sealant that is applied over an entire chimney crown.
A chimney crown is the masonry roof covering the top of a chimney. The crown prevents water from seeping into the masonry below, which can lead to damage and costly repairs.
A professionally installed CrownCoat application stops water seeping through the crown. CrownCoat is specifically formulated to withstand the severe weather and thermal stress to which chimneys are exposed, and it carries a 15-year warranty.
For maximum protection, a complete chimney protection program should include a treatment with ChimneySaver, as well (see Waterproofing), a 100% breathable siloxane-based water repellent.
Chimney Savers
Chimneys are highly exposed to the elements and, if left unprotected, they’re susceptible to structural degradation.
ChimneySaver is a water repellent that penetrates masonry to protect it from destructive water penetration.
ChimneySaver contains patented siloxanes small enough to penetrate most masonry pores, forming strong bonds with the silica in masonry and concrete. Because of this bonding process, one application of ChimneySaver provides up to ten times the water repellent protection of typical sealers.
ChimneySaver is 100% breathable and vapor permeable. It’s a non film-forming water repellent that penetrates and lines masonry pores. ChimneySaver offers the best protection because, unlike simple sealers, it releases otherwise trapped water vapors and effectively reduces water absorption. This means water vapors escape from the masonry, preventing spalling, scaling, deterioration, freeze-thaw damage, and other expensive masonry reconstruction.
For maximum protection, a complete chimney protection program should include a treatment with CrownCoat, as well (see CrownCoat), a flexible waterproof sealant that is applied over an entire chimney crown.